Compensation Mesothelioma – Facts That Nobody Told You

The UK government has now announced that it will be increasing the amount of money people who have contracted Mesothelioma due to working for companies in the past will receive. There are over 10,000 more cases every year, and the previous level of compensation was not sufficient to cover all of their costs. Because this form of Cancer is invariably fatal within around three years after diagnosis, these victims cannot work at their regular jobs anymore once they are diagnosed. Some of them are also left with financial burdens because they are no longer able to work. These concerns were brought up at a recent conference with insurers and the government by Sarah Wollaston, a Conservative MP. She claimed that these compensation awards are not being paid out quickly enough, increasing them.

Compensation Mesothelioma

The compensation award will also be more consistent now, according to reports. Instead of the compensation amount only being dictated by whether or not someone is working in some areas of the country, it will depend on their compensation rates. Just how much compensation they will receive has yet to be decided upon; however, it is expected to be announced soon after further research on each case has been completed. The opposing side claimed that while some patients may deserve extra compensation, others weren’t as severe and therefore should only get standard amounts of money on an individual basis.

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When an individual is diagnosed with Mesothelioma, it is suchcancere form of Cancer that there isn’t anything known about treating it. Because of this, compensation awards are necessary for them since they won’t be able to work and will incur other costs associated with their situation. This compensation rate increase should help cover these costs better than before, although the rates still might not be enough for some people in the long run. Although compensation awards aren’t exactly what someone diagnosed would wish upon anyone else, they help alleviate some financial stress while compensating them for their medical bills and lost income. At the same time, they undergo treatment or recover from their illness.

How Much Compensation Can You Get for Mesothelioma??

The UK government has now announced that it will be increasing the amount of money people who have contracted Mesothelioma due to working for companies in the past will receive. This is mainly because there are over 10,000 more cases every year and the previous level of compensation was not sufficient to cover all of their costs.

How Much Compensation Can You Get for Mesothelioma?

Compensation rates are expected to increase by up to two times the amount they are currently being paid out. This is just in time, too, since the number of people who have contracted this Cancer between 1970-2010 has doubled due to victims finally coming forward. In addition, the UK government has now announced that it will be increasing the amount of money people who have contracted Mesothelioma due to working for companies in the past will receive. This is mainly because there are over 10,000 more cases every year and the previous level of compensation was not sufficient to cover all of their costs.

How Can Mesothelioma Compensation Help Me?

In most cases, this Cancer will eventually claim a victim’s life. But, unfortunately, once they have been diagnosed with it, they usually won’t live beyond three years after their diagnosis. This is why victims who have contracted this tragedy deserve tons of compensation for what they’re going through because it’s a death sentence from day one since there isn’t effective treatment out there yet.

It’s also important to note that not all victims who have contracted this Cancer will receive the same compensation based on their cases. Some might deserve more because they’re even sicker than others, while others get less because their illness isn’t as severe and needs treatment for a shorter period. Victims can always negotiate with their solicitors to get a fair settlement, so if the first offer they receive doesn’t seem reasonable enough, they should pursue other options to try and get an improved deal.

The wait times for receiving these compensation awards should be much faster now that the government has stepped in. Before, it used to take up to seven years or possibly longer before victims would receive them, but now they should receive them in a timely fashion. They will also be paid their compensation through monthly instalments rather than getting it all at once since the lump sum might overwhelm them and not give them a chance to plan out how to use their money wisely.

Types of Mesothelioma Compensation You Could Receive

Mesothelioma is a highly severe form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. Because it does not respond well to treatment, most sufferers do not live past three years after diagnosis. However, victims may be entitled to compensation through various legal measures depending on their circumstances and background.

Four main types of compensation are available:

Pecuniary loss –

This type allows people who have been made unable to work by Mesothelioma to claim back lost earnings. The amount they can claim is usually determined by their age and how soon they expect to stop working in their line of business before reaching retirement age.

Non-financial loss –

For sufferers who have already retired, the amount of compensation they are awarded may be to pay for services that their earnings would have paid. For example, this could include paying for a housekeeper or gardener.

Loss of dependency –

This type of compensation allows survivors to claim for loss of support from the deceased. For example, if the dead were in good health before contracting Mesothelioma and died relatively young, their dependants will receive compensation so that they can maintain their standard of living.

Exemplary damages –

This is only given if employers knew that asbestos was dangerous but did not protect employees’ health. The court can award damages above what is usually available if it deems that the company was particularly negligent.

People living with Cancer who are entitled to receive compensation for their illness should do so without delay. However, the amount they are awarded is dependent on many factors, so it’s essential to work with a solicitor to increase their chances of receiving what they deserve.

Can I Make A Claim?

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, contact an experienced personal injury solicitor today who will be able to evaluate your claim and determine whether you’re eligible for compensation. They will also help you through the process to ensure that your case is handled as painlessly as possible. You can find out more by visiting this page.


Compensation Mesothelioma is sporadic cancer but has no cure. The only treatment that’s been shown to be effective in eliminating the disease is a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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